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Two applications to improve safety in the building maintenance business lines

Final Safe and Acciline

Two applications to improve safety in the building maintenance business lines

Final Safe  
This application, initially rolled out by Eiffage Construction, can be used to monitor, adjust, highlight and approve safety-related information and requirements in real time. After analysis, Eiffage Services’ risk prevention teams fine-tuned the app to bring it into line with our Group policy, our business lines, our organisation and the requirements of the ISO 45001 standard.
80% of the fine-tuning related to maintenance operation issues and 20% to improvement works and environmentally sound management of the sites. For example, it includes the use of a formal safety register, which has to be completed before and after all work on electrical installations for which special accreditation is needed.
The Eiffage Services version of Final Safe is now used by the vast majority of our workforce, and chiefly by technicians, site managers and risk prevention teams.
This tool focused exclusively on health and safety and already introduced by the Group boasts various modules, such as management of workplace accident reporting, training records, specific anatomical restrictions, equipment management and periodic controls.
Acciline had already been used by Human resources for workplace accident reporting, but the Risk Prevention-Safety department has now added new functionality. This includes management of training records and medical follow-up to provide all the information required for the PHP (Passeport des Habilitations Professionelles, professional accreditation passport) chiefly dedicated to safety.
Goal: zero accidents!
Our safety programme aims to achieve a target of zero accidents, and everyone needs to play their part in meeting it. To this end, special basic safety training has been arranged for all operational staff. It covers electrical work, working at heights, use of safety harnesses, controls on height-access systems, and workplace rescue and first aid.

Eiffage Concessions
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