[Be vigilant] Increase in attempts to impersonate Eiffage and its subsidiaries (use of fake email addresses, fraudulent websites, etc.). More details here.

The strategy of the Eiffage Group

As one of the leading European companies in construction and concessions, Eiffage has a strong ambition: to actively contribute to building a more sustainable and efficient Europe, sovereign in terms of energy and industry. Our greatest asset is the passion and commitment of our 78,200 employees, who are dedicated to supporting their clients in the ecological and digital transition every day. The more than 100,000 projects we undertake each year are tangible proof of this commitment.

Continuing to grow while staying true to who we are

Building on the reputation we have established in Europe, we aim to continue growing, while maintaining the balance between our construction and concessions businesses in Europe and worldwide. Avenues of growth include honing our expertise, making even more progress in risk prevention, keeping a tight grip of our major projects, innovating and introducing new services for our customers, seizing opportunities in areas where we are already well-known, and supporting our customers by providing them with the benefit of our expertise completing projects in international markets. We never compromise on our corporate values in our pursuit of growth. 

We must make sure our values, our strategic plan and the major challenges of our times are all perfectly aligned.

Benoît de Ruffray Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Eiffage

L’ élément suivant est une vidéo An industrial ambition with a human perspective

Leveraging the Complementarity of Our Business Segments


Eiffage's strategy is based on a balance between construction and concession activities, ensuring the Group's stability. Rooted in the heart of regions, these activities benefit from highly complementary dynamics. Construction typically involves shorter completion cycles compared to concessions, which require substantial investments that commit the Group over a longer term.

Construction: Our Historic Core Business

The construction activities engage the majority of the Group's employees. They exhibit cyclicity that is directly linked to the broader economy.

To support our growth, our ambition is to continue our acquisition strategy in our specialty areas, leveraging the Group's digitization processes and our high level of technical expertise. We also aim to develop new construction methods, particularly off-site construction, and continue to export our project-based expertise internationally to further showcase our skills.

Concessions: A Long-Term Commitment Alongside Local Communities

This very long-term activity requires enduring commitment and massive investments from the Group. Therefore, we aim to develop our concessions in the regions where we have a lasting presence through construction.

By strengthening our local presence, our concessions contribute to our long-term commitment to serving the regions and their development through a relationship of trust and partnership with public stakeholders.

Key figures

  • €2 billion
    Investment amount in acquisitions in 2022 and 2023.
  • +40%
    in the order book for works between 2022 and 2023."
  • 3
    New concession assets in 2023

Consolidating Our European Positioning

Our decentralized and compact organization is a key to the Group's success at the European level. It also reflects the empowerment of employees and, more broadly, the trust placed in teams. Thanks to their commitment, Eiffage is today one of the European leaders in construction and concessions."


  • An organization based on proximity: A decentralized organization, close to the field, in countries and regions, designed to be close to our clients and to demonstrate responsiveness and agility.
  • The strength of our local presence: A model built on a dense territorial network, characterized by a balanced distribution of our local offices where all our business lines are represented.
  • Our compactness, a significant asset: to circulate ideas and promote a comprehensive approach. Through a better understanding of one another, it stimulates cross-functional collaboration and strengthens our ability to work together more effectively.
  • Skills that can be exported: Germany, Belgium, Spain, and the Netherlands are our main locations in Europe. In these countries, we have strong, deeply rooted entities, as well as recognized expertise that allows us to expand in export mode across Europe and around the world.
  • Europe, our domestic market: Eiffage prefers to be present in a limited number of countries but to be strong and recognized there. It is based on this premise that the Group's international activity has considerably developed.
  • 13
    Number of countries where the Group has a permanent presence
  • 97%
    Share of revenue generated in Europe
  • 24,400
    Number of employees outside France as of 31/12/2023

Committed to a Low-Carbon Europe

Our low-carbon strategy revolves around two key objectives: firstly, reducing internal emissions across all of the Group's business segments; and secondly, developing new low-carbon offerings or expanding the availability of those already provided by different business units.

  • 92%
    Share of 2023 France revenue certified to ISO 14001
  • 4
    Number of years Eiffage has held the EcoVadis Gold medal
  • 58.8%
    Share of 2023 revenue eligible for the European taxonomy, encompassing the six defined objectives

A Group with a Unique Family Spirit

Our greatest asset for driving Eiffage's growth is undoubtedly our 78,200 employees. Their commitment and dedication define the Group's identity and help promote our values and unique characteristics.

To address our recruitment challenges in a tight labor market, we launched a new employer brand campaign in 2023 to express what sets us apart and makes us unique: a supportive work environment, stimulating and diverse career paths, an entrepreneurial culture based on autonomy and a sense of initiative, the opportunity to contribute to ecological transition, respect for differences, involvement and a sense of sharing, and the compactness that allows Eiffage to remain a human-scale group despite its strong growth.

  • 16,200
    Number of hires in Europe and the rest of the world in 2023
  • 1.5 million
    Number of training hours completed by employees in Europe and the rest of the world in 2023
  • 78,200
    Employees worldwide

Ensuring Health and Safety for Our Employees

At Eiffage, health and safety at work are absolute priorities, with a prevention policy forming an integral part of the strategic plan. The Group is also committed to maintaining the quality of life and well-being of its employees in the workplace.

  • 4.95
    Group frequency rate 2023 (compared to 5.58 in 2022)
  • Over 1,000
    Number of managers trained in safety leadership in 2023.
  • 51,760
    Number of users of the Group's mobile prevention apps at the end of 2023
Learn more
  • Essentials

    Eiffage is one of Europe’s leading operators in construction and concessions, with more than 100,000 projects in France and around the world in 2021.

  • Low carbon strategy

    Turning low-carbon construction into an opportunity.

  • Locations

    Discover the group's locations