[Be vigilant] Increase in attempts to impersonate Eiffage and its subsidiaries (use of fake email addresses, fraudulent websites, etc.). More details here.

Eiffage Foundation : fostering access to development

Fostering access to employment

The Eiffage Foundation’s mission is to help people struggling to find and stay in employment. It supports projects in various different areas (training, employment, housing, sports and culture) in France and around the world, wherever the Group operates. These projects all have one thing in common – offering access to employment for those in need. The Eiffage Foundation has a budget of €2.5 million for the 2019-2024 period, during which time it aims to place greater emphasis on initiatives that prevent, rather than cure. 

L’ élément suivant est une vidéo Presentation of the foundation


Group employees form the backbone of the Foundation

The Group’s employees, whether retired or currently active, form the backbone of the Foundation as it is their engagement that makes the difference. Their efforts fall into two main categories – the Eiffage Foundation supports non-profit organisations with which employees are already involved, or employees are asked to volunteer in an organisation partnered by the Foundation. 


Providing long-term support

To promote professional integration, long-term action is necessary. The Eiffage Foundation therefore puts in place multi-year partnerships with certain non-profit organisations, such as the network of community garages, Solidarauto. Another such example is the initiative to get all people experiencing long-term unemployment back into work. The programme was launched in October 2016 to support the efforts of ATD Quart Monde, which set up a project to reallocate unemployment benefit funds to create long-term job opportunities. All people experiencing long-term unemployment can therefore, without any additional cost to the local authority, receive minimum wage for working in community service projects that meet the needs of the region, local residents, businesses and authorities. 

Group employees, both current and former, enthusiastically get involved to improve professional integration for people struggling.

Frédérique Alary Chief Executive Officer of the Eiffage Foundation

L’ élément suivant est une vidéo Role of sponsors


Helping young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to succeed in collaboration with Article 1

In 2018 and 2019, 153 Eiffage employees got involved with the non-profit organisation Article 1 mentoring students or helping to run the organisation. The role is to support promising students from disadvantaged backgrounds to help them learn about the world of work and build their professional network. Each year, the organisation assists 12,000 students to earn their degree, which has a substantially positive impact as 100% of the graduates mentored find employment within six months of leaving university. As a long-term partner to Article 1, the Eiffage Foundation will support the organisation until 2021.  

Submit a project

The initiatives supported by the Eiffage Foundation seek to improve social and professional integration for people struggling or excluded from society.

All projects must be submitted to the Eiffage Foundation via the online platform, where you will find information regarding the criteria and selection stages, as well as the role of the sponsor. Selection committees meet in March, June and November.