[Be vigilant] Increase in attempts to impersonate Eiffage and its subsidiaries (use of fake email addresses, fraudulent websites, etc.). More details here.

Innovation & technology to make the city sustainable

Eiffage harnesses technology and innovation to make the city of the future sustainable. We roll out digital solutions that aim to adapt urban services to meet users’ needs, enhance user comfort and help reduce public expenditure.

Seamlessly managing urban assets and features in real time

We innovate to serve the city of the future and the wellbeing of its inhabitants by managing urban traffic, parking and lighting equipment in real time. With this in mind, we have developed a comprehensive smart city offering through our brand Expercité®. 

Predictive maintenance supporting cities and their inhabitants  

One of the challenges of smart real-time management of urban assets is using predictive maintenance to increase the availability of urban facilities and ensure optimal service continuity. 

Through its Expercité® brand, our subsidiary Eiffage Énergies Systèmes provides cities and local authorities with a predictive maintenance offering for urban services that is based on data analysis. Sensors installed on urban equipment collect data to improve the efficiency and quality of services and reduce public expenditure in relation to watering, energy performance, air quality, waste collection, parking, traffic, upkeep of buildings and technical centres, etc. This means our teams can identify the root of an anomaly very quickly, no matter what the cause.  

The Expercité® offering can be adapted to suit the needs of each local authority. 

Smart lighting for local authorities

We are aware of the cost of street lighting for local authorities and have therefore developed Luciole®, a service with a low energy footprint that is tailored to clients’ exact needs. Luciole® combines a light-coloured road surface coating developed by Eiffage Route and lights supplied by Eiffage Énergie Systèmes that automatically detect users. 

Luciole® automatically adjusts the brightness depending on the presence and travelling speed of users, who see no difference compared with regular lighting, and bathes vehicles in light throughout their journey. This innovative solution enhances user comfort, cuts costs and reduces light pollution.

L’ élément suivant est une vidéo Luciole®, smart lighting tailored to your exact needs

Improving road safety

We are also testing out other uses such as smart and safe roads or digital signage, for instance as part of the innovative I-Street project (on systemic innovations for the environmental and energy transitions of road transport infrastructure). Winner of the ‘Route du futur’ (road of the future) call for proposals launched by the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (Ademe) in 2017, this project is a four-year commitment worth almost € 16 m for Eiffage and showcases the smart, sustainable road of the future.  

One concrete example of road innovation is Guid’N Grip, which combines smart road markings – in the form of LED road studs – and a high-friction road surfacing material, Sécuriprène ®. Road studs mark the edge of bends that are accident blackspots and light up when a radar detects oncoming vehicles.  

Eiffage Route recognised once more by the Road and Street Innovation Committee (CIRR)

Three of Eiffage Route’s low-carbon innovations received awards: photoluminescent road marking (LuminoKrom® Vision+); coating with a plant-based binder, associated with road surface recycling (Biophalt®); and preservation of road infrastructure (Skinway® thin asphalt). 

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