[Be vigilant] Increase in attempts to impersonate Eiffage and its subsidiaries (use of fake email addresses, fraudulent websites, etc.). More details here.


Low-Carbon Strategy asserts itself at Eiffage Immobilier

The Low Carbon Building Development Association (BBCA) unveiled the top 10 low carbon housing developers on September 9. This list is based on the number of buildings and the square metres that are subject to certification and Eiffage Immobilier is one of them. This place, among this Top 10, returns to the filing of BBCA files of two driving projects for the group: the Hypérion tower in Bordeaux, with a mixed process concrete core and wood structure and the residence Atlantech Parc in Lagord, building positive energy.

Low-Carbon Strategy asserts itself at Eiffage Immobilier

These beautiful projects were carried out by the women and men of Eiffage: a big congratulations to the teams of Eiffage Immobilier Sud-Ouest of Hervé Lapastoure, Christian Birbaud and Paul-François Arrighi for the Hypérion building in Bordeaux and for the Atlantech Parc residence in Lagord.
In addition to BBCA or other labels or certifications (HQE, BREEAM), Eiffage’s Low Carbon approach takes on a new dimension throughout the Group. Indeed, Benoit de Ruffray’s signature of the Climate Finance Pact commits each branch to a “Low Carbon Accounting”, a new and complex exercise possible thanks to the expertise and support of the Sustainable Development and Transverse Innovation Department. It is not only a question of establishing a carbon accounting of activities but also of implementing the same approach on carbon avoidance achieved through the implementation of alternatives and innovation. Innovation also involves challenging habits that are as effective and controlled as they are.
This change management is carried out by Eiffage Immobilier, which, thanks to its Promoter-Builder model, must very quickly engage in dialogues on design and Low Carbon must become the first criterion in all choices. We can see through its various projects the implementation of this low-carbon approach with for example the use of:

  • wood at Hypérion in Bordeaux,
  • brick in the building program Impulsion in Pantin,
  • recycled concrete in the Lavallée eco-district of Châtenay-Malabry.
Eiffage Immobilier
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